My Mission
To bring back a united citizenry, one who will support and defend the Constitution; together, united, despite all of our differences. A greater time has never been upon a free People. Americans must push back against any attempt to encourage division and the furtherance of lies, regardless of the truth bent to wield power. Together, we can create a new vision, for a new future.
I believe the solution to combat the divisiveness our Nation is currently facing, will be created by leaders outside of partisanship. Partisanship and the consequences of creating a ruling class every election has divided a People long enough. Americans must remove the status quo and commit to a better future by ignoring differences and embracing our similarities. This will create a future for all Americans regardless of your views.
When you vote, vote for a candidate who convinced you they were worthy of your vote, not a party line or talking points recycled to create more division. America is suffering from the consequences of incompetent leadership and partisan ignorance. Embrace the responsibility needed to elect the proper leaders for the proper reasons. Our strength is created by our differences but maintained by togetherness.
Defending American Values
We no longer have a united vision of what America should be. Somehow we lost the standards of how to treat one another. When our leaders disagree, they ignore compromise and instead, substitute understanding and knowledge with lack of respect and ignorance; only to throw more fuel on the fire of intolerance. And, all they were able to accomplish was the normalization of aggressive behavior that was viewed, consumed, and repeated by others.
We must understand the consequences of what is occurring. It is a cycle people are continuing to repeat. Passing down hate to their children and their children’s children. Generation after generation of intolerance for anyone who has an opinion different than yours. This is unbecoming of what America represents.
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