to the Flag of the
United States of
America and to the
Republic for which
it stands, one
Nation under God,
indivisible, with
liberty and justice
for all.

to the Flag of the
United States of
America and to the
Republic for which
it stands, one
Nation under God,
indivisible, with
liberty and justice
for all.
My Mission & Motivation
The values of freedom and respect for our fellow American is of the upmost importance to ensure our democratic republic survives any threat. The two-party political system has intentionally divided us. I am going to show the American People what happens when a leader intentionally unites US.
Shawn Paul Cosner
How can West Virginians reverse the divisiveness destroying American Values? How can we work together to remove the lines politicians have created? These questions must be answered if we want to protect West Virginians and if we are to maintain the original purpose of this great Nation.
With your help, we can stand behind the promise of this Nation’s founding fathers and continue to grow as a society. We must recognize the importance of individuality and togetherness so we may protect people’s rights.
American Values are simple to define and can be put into four easily understood categories that transcend party lines, partisanship, and will not offend any American. All citizens can support these necessities of the Constitution’s framework. These are what we must protect at all cost.
Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech…

Stay Informed
Thomas Jefferson doubted the viability of a self-governing people because it took participation, understanding, and the unwavering support to protect what we cannot live without. Leaders must be present to unite not divide.