
A Personal Thank You to the Veterans

I want to personally thank all of you for the great many sacrifices you have given and continue to give all Americans.  We all owe you a great debt.  A show of appreciation that is constant for the selflessness you and your family represent.

The continued disrespect to our Veteran community and lack of accountability to those who fail us must end. The Veteran population is the only entity in the world that has always done what was required of them yet the duty to us is not reciprocal.  Our Military has always answered the call; now it is the Nations turn to answer the call.

I have personally been a victim of this continued behavior.  It is unacceptable and my promise to all Veterans, you will not be without representation any longer.  We will create a system for Veterans by Veterans.  We are a unique group of individuals and need a unique group of individuals to care for us, especially being cognizant of our faults yet committed to providing treatment rivaled by none.

I will work to create the greatest system for the greatest people.  One that all my Veteran family members and friends will benefit from.  Our way of life exists because we decided to fight for one another and stand where others kneel.  Your interests will always be my interests.  Your suffering will always be my suffering.

The system in place is flawed.  Veterans do have access to care and benefits but it is not as it should be.  We can do better and we will do better, for our Veterans deserve nothing less.  If you are a Veteran I will make you this promise; I will not stay quiet, I will not stop, I will not concede until the system we deserve is in place.

I will give you a mission and purpose again.  Together we will build each other up and I will stop at nothing to put our Veteran community where it should be.  I served this great Nation, now I will serve you.  Thank you for everything and your great many sacrifices!

Veterans Always Defend American Values

Vets Honored with Breakfast – Original Link to Article

Early Tuesday morning at the Erickson Alumni Center, several veterans, military personnel and family members were able to start their Veterans Day right, with the “Honoring Our Heroes” Veterans Appreciation Breakfast.

The other speakers, Dorian O’Neal, U.S. Navy, and Shawn Cosner, U.S. Army veteran, are students at WVU. They were able the share their personal stories and beliefs on this matter.

Cosner explained he was touched by the event and extremely honored to be given the chance to speak during it. He said he has had many members of his family enlisted in the military and this day means a lot to all of them.

“When taps was played and the colors were brought by, I cried,” Cosner said. “I get emotional when thinking about everything that was given so we can be free. For one day, the entire country is forced to think about it. Although some do not need to be told what Veterans Day is, some do. People get so caught up in what the entertainment world is doing that they don’t realize soldiers are dying.”

Cosner said he hoped he reached out to some people in the audience. He explained in order to have certain freedoms, there are duties that must be fulfilled.

“We are given so many freedoms in this country that sometimes we forget what the actual cost of those freedoms are. I am very fortunate to be raised and brought up by so many great role models,” Cosner said. “It allowed me to understand what is required.”

It is clear that many people appreciated WVU as it recognized people such as Cosner, Min, and Bowman, and honored them the way they believe true heroes should be honored.